Grave robber darkest dungeon 2
Grave robber darkest dungeon 2

grave robber darkest dungeon 2

It's not even that good for setting up Lunge since Lunge is weaker in this game. SF doesn't have enough to make it relevant beyond stealth most of GR's stealth stuff isn't terribly useful, with only Repartee being notably strong, so it just seems like a dead slot to me. Daggers seems so weak damage-wise that I'm not sure I would ever use it to chip tokens. Stealth isn't common right now and DB resist doesn't get too high often, so Glint's value is marginal. Glint, Shadow Fade, and Flashing Daggers all seem underwhelming. But crits seem so weak for stress healing in this game that it might not be worthwhile. The most interesting part is that you could use the crits to stress heal, which unlike most heals isn't restricted to 5+ stress IIRC. Combo skills you might be able to get something out of it. The damage is wretched, of course, but with the high base crit and being one of her +50% CRIT vs. Thrown Dagger seems like it could have some potential. This is a fantastic taunt if you can get the stealth to enable it, but unfortunately you're probably going to rely on trinkets to get it. You need to stealth to use it and with GR's base kit that takes a long time to get online-especially since the best stealth enabler is DoN which needs a dead enemy anyway (so you're probably already winning if you get to use it). Repartee would also be great in theory, but it has serious tempo issues. Lunge can enable another Pirouette and has more range, but the damage is almost identical to Pick which is disappointing if you compare it to the DD1 Lunge. They're just decent frontline hits for when you want to try to secure a kill or put something at Death's Door, though.

grave robber darkest dungeon 2

Dead of Night and Absinthe give her great self-sustain, with Dead of Night also doubling as her best stealth enabler. The former two stick out because they have very solid minimum damage (quite uncommon in GR's kit) along with some other neat attributes Darts has very good range for its damage, though it is dependent on a DoT for most of it, and Pirouette is an exceptionally damaging AoE that also happens to be her only attack that has a raw damage minimum above 4. IMO the main standouts in her kit are Pirouette, Poison Darts, Dead of Night, and Absinthe. Which combat skills do you use or not use.

grave robber darkest dungeon 2

She's self sustaining and that's where her strength comes from. Tl Dr stop using shadow fade, just get some combo tokens with other chats and dagger/dart them (depending on blight res). Pick to the face is situationally useful to finish off enemies with PROT, but you'll mostly be using dart against them.

grave robber darkest dungeon 2

Only exception is against the final boss. I'll emphasize: she can do this any % HP and stress, while also potentially messing up enemy backline. Giving your healer more ways to work with the rest of the team. Ansinthe is extremely powerful and dead of night can heal at any % HP while also giving fade and reducing stress if aced. Her strength lies in how self sustaining she is. You don't need fade to survive, use absinthe. I admit jester/plague doctor are necessary for her though. Just do combo into dart or dagger and occasionally dead of night/pick to the face. Ignore shadow fade, repartee and flashing daggers. Like a lot!īUT WAIT! Did some mean ol’ Deadeye archer finally pin Audrey to a tree with an arrow? Just take a pull off that Absinthe flask, heal up, collect your dodge tokens and GET BACK TO PICKIN! Relationships! Other characters really like it when Audrey crits the baddies. Who needs a stress heal? Not Audrey, just get back to pickin’ and she will be cool as the other side of the pillow. 150% your high end damage makes the game much less swingy. Jester blinds and marks a front liner PICKS TO THE FACE are back on the menu! Leper Purges a baddie and lays down a combo? PICK- well maybe dart this one if it’s too far back… Runaway Uber-debuff smokescreen blinds and exposes vulnerabilities? PICK TO THE MOTHER-LOVING FACE! Occultist Hands to pull a back liner up, then Pick to the face!ĭismas PBS a big baddie, Pick to the Face! Pick to the Face and Toxin Darts get obscene crit chance when combo-ing, Pick ignores armor and darts apply a dot!

Grave robber darkest dungeon 2